A New Sketchy Challenge at NFM with a Life Size Shaq, FUN!
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Unfortunately, it's fun! My son wanted to see the furniture on a Sunday morning so it was a family outing. We had a great time with him trying out the chairs and sofas. We watched TV, of course, then appliances, electronics,all from the Nebraska Furniture Market . Imagine our surprise when we found a life-size piece of Shaq! We had a lot of fun!! I had a lot of fun creating this page! That's part of the fun of scrapbooking. You relive the good times over and over again. Here's a draft:
Here is my take on the project:
Here is a video of the process of creating my page:
Equipment: blue bird card saffron card Glue Stickers and metal sticks are items taken from my vault. Thank you for your visit!
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